my voice - part 2 (Occupy)

I would be negligent without mentioning another area of extreme importance to me and another area making a great impact on my thinking and creativity these days: Occupy the world.

It goes in hand and hand with being a parent of a new marine, his choice, one i support for his happiness, one i find in conflict with my belief in passivity and peace.

So... occupy the streets, use your voice for the many ... I saw so many videos tonight on my art page newsfeed at facebook, i thought, wow, i need an "occupy" page... no... i just need to post them here to feel I've voiced my concerns.

Here are a few compelling ones:

I first listened to this :

and found his Occupy Aloha after...

be not afraid... i know it... i have been too, but i am not anymore...

A musician took a stand at last night's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation gala, which was attended President Obama and a slew of world leaders.

Hawaiian guitarist Makana, who has performed at the White House, wore a shirt that read "Occupy With Aloha" and played a song inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests.

"We'll occupy the streets, we'll occupy the courts, we'll occupy the offices of you, till you do the bidding of the many, not the few," he sang at the Wakiki event. "The time has come for us to voice our rage."

The tune, "We Are the Many", ran for 45 minutes long.

From L.A., CA:

The Last Straw: Bank Transfer Day at Occupy LA

from Frankfurt:

Rede von Georg Schramm auf der Kundgebung. Vorher hatten ca. 8000 Menschen das Bankenviertel von Frankfurt a.Main umzingelt. Zeitgleich kreisten in Berlin Tausende die Regierungsgebäude ein. Aktionen mit der Occupy-Bewegung. Forderungen an die Regierung den systemischen Fehlern mit konkreten Reformen zu Begegnen: Steuerreform, Finanztransaktionssteuer, New Deal, Geldreform, Sozial-Reform, Demokratie Jetzt!

for my italian friends:

for my french friends


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