distraction doodles

Tonight when I was drawing quick sketches, I realized my need to do these doodles and quick work was twofold...

One: To keep my hand moving..
Two: To distract myself from the reality of what's going on in my personal world.

We all have our life to live and our hardships... tonight after a long two weeks of union negotiations, i realized that my primary need for distraction is the reality that we are at war, and I have a son entering the military.

I am still adjusting to that fact.

I decided to do "doodles" for a lunchtime project but have not been able to do it as a daily practice which is disappointing. So I do what I can.

Tonight I wanted to try drawing from inspiration I found in a children's book about dance and see if my drawings could tell a story... here are my doodles.

Distraction Doodles on Flickr


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